Leading with Spirit, Presence, and Authenticity: A Volume in the International Leadership Association Series, Building Leadership Bridges
Kathryn Go Schuyler
Developing inner wisdom as a leadership strength
Leading with Spirit, Presence, and Authenticity presents the perspectives of leaders, social scientists, and educators from around the world on the topic of developing inner wisdom. Structured around the notions of spirit, presence, and authenticity, the book encourages readers to reflect on their own lives as they read about their colleagues' diverse experiences, all in an effort to address difficult global systems challenges with a foundation of various wisdom lineages and practices.
Each chapter is introduced by an editor with deep background experience in the topic at hand, and the book includes ... Read more
- Subtle interdependencies involved in modern leadership
- The contribution of sociological mindfulness to leadership education
- Authentic leadership as communicated through technology
- The role of spirit, and what the world needs from leaders
A diverse mix of contributors, including a Sufi teacher, a social science journal editor, and a CEO, provide a truly inclusive examination of the ways a leader is defined by self and others. Leading with Spirit, Presence, and Authenticity, a volume in the International Leadership Series Building Leadership Bridges from the International Leadership Association, helps connect ways of researching, imagining, and experiencing leadership across cultures, over time, and around the world.
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About Kathryn Go Schuyler
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