Leadership is a process, not a person. In Leadership, author Art Padilla asserts that the dynamics of leadership involve leaders, followers and their environments—the organizational contexts within which leading and following take place. This triangle approach illustrates a more holistic and comprehensive view of leadership by focusing on all three dynamics.
While infused with the most contemporary research and latest theories, material comes to life through chapter inserts and mini cases featuring themes that leaders and followers regularly encounter, such as: mentoring and developing talent, ethics, integrity and credibility, teams, and toxic leadership.
Using the most current examples to demonstrate ... Read more
Five bonus cases are available to add to Padilla, Leadership through Wiley Custom Select (customselect.wiley.com). Each case is accompanied by a teaching guide written by authors Art Padilla and Laura Lunsford. Cases include: Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King, Jr., Communication and Leadership, Teach for America, Power and Leadership in Shakespeare's Henry V, George Custer: The Boy General and Walmart de México.
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About Art Padilla
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