Calling All Jes Past Pupils

The Jesuits first came to Galway in 1645 and settled in a 3-storey building on the site of the present ‘Four Corners’, thanks to the generosity of Edmund Kirwan, a wealthy Galway merchant. Most likely, it was in these premises that their school was conducted, against a background of wars and dissensions. Yet it flourished, in spite of all priests being banished from the city by the Cromwellians, and later the Williamites.The Jesuits came back in 1728, but their mission was withdrawn in 1768 due to a lack of manpower. They were invited back in 1859 by the bishop and set up a college in Eyre Square. The college’s present location on Sea Road dates from 1863.They had to
close the school in 1926 because of falling numbers, but, due to popular demand from the citizens, they re-opened again in 1929 with 67 new boys. In 1931 it became an A-school in which all subjects were done through the medium of Irish. Since then, Coláisde Iognáid(aka ‘The Jes’) has greatly increased its student numbers. It was a slow and gradual process. It became part of the ‘non fee-paying school system in 1967. The present school building, the Griiffin Building ( named after a charismatic teacher universally known as ‘Danny’) was opened in 1969. The school population was increased in 1974 to provide a three-form entry, one co-educational form being for the Irish medium Scoil Gaeilge. Co-education was introduced to the whole school in 1984.
In the early days, the staff were almost all Jesuits. Today they are mostly lay people but the Jes continues to provide a point of departure that is cultural, and a sense of direction that is Christian. A major new building is under construction at the moment as the school prepares for its 150th anniversary.
Our photograph today (which we show you courtesy of the Irish Jesuit Archive) shows a group of Jes students who went on a cycling trip in 1919 and stopped at Dangan. Those we see at the very back are F. Kirwan, P. Courtney and T. Lydon.Standing in the middle row are J. Fox, P. Costelloe, A. Mullery, Frank Roche, J. Collins, J. Tighe.Those seated in front are T. McDonough; D. Shee; W. H. & C. Naughton ; Ign. Kineen; F. Costelloe; J. Shee and H.Shee. As you can see they were on a bicycle tour.
Just launched is a new CD titled ‘Jes Voices ’ on which a number of graduates of the schoolreminisce about their time there, talk about some of the games they played, their teachers, some of the tricks they played, and mixed with that is some music and song by the school orchestra and various singers. It is a delightful pot-pourri of nostalgia and fun and good music and a must for any ex Jes boys or girls. It costs 10 euro and can be bought in the school or online on , and all the funds go towards the school building fund.
The Jes Past Pupils Union has recently re-formed and are organising their first event on June 17th 2011, a barbeque in the Ardilaun Hotel, starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are 25 euro and are available from the school. If you would like to be kept informed of forthcoming events for past pupils, or indeed in the school, could you please send your contact details to the Secretary, Coláisde Iognáid, Sea Road, Galway or to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..The rugby section in the Jes have just produced beanies (woollen hats) and scarves in the school colours with the Jes crest. They are very stylish, an ideal gift for pupils and past pupils alike, and are available fromSteve Parkinson at the school.
This photograph is one of over 50 which will form an exhibition of ‘cycling in Galway’ which will take place in the city centre for National Bike Week, which starts here on Wednesday June 15th 2011. They have organised more than thirty events in and around the city all relating to bikes and biking. It is a very exciting programme, details of which will be available very soon. The exhibition is very impressive and well worth a visit.