The Garra Glas in the Claddagh

The Garra Glas (The green field or green garden) was an area of the Claddagh which corresponds to where the Fire Station is today. Our photograph was taken in the 1930’s when things were changing in the area …. the old Claddagh houses were being gradually knocked down to make way for those that are there today. Kerbstones were being laid down to frame the newly laid road surface.The house we see on the left belonged to the Flaherty family. The building next to it was obviously converted from a cottage into a workshop of some kind with the large beam supporting
If you would like to hear more about the Claddagh, especially the Claddagh ring, you can tune in to Gerry Anderson’s programme on radio Ulster next Sunday (13th February, 2011) by clicking on to This evening (10th February, 2011) at 8.30pm, the Old Galway Society are hosting a lecture by the irrepressible Donal Taheny in the Mercy School, Newtownsmyth. The title is “These have I loved” and entertainment is guaranteed. All are welcome. On Monday next, 14th February, 2011, The Galway Archeological and Historical Society present a lecture by Dr. Miriam Moffitt in the Harbour Hotel starting at 8pm. The title is “Protestant Missions in Conamara, 1846-1937” and all are welcome. Finally, on Wednesday next, the 16th February, 2011, An Taisce are hosting a lecture by Dr. Michael Gibbons on “Recent Discoveries in Conamara”, starting at 8pm. The venue is the Ardilaun Hotel and again, all are welcome.
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